Rocks in his head?

God seeker guy has a number of rocks on his desk. Some are from rivers, some from mountains and some were found on long walks on beaches around the world.  He doesn’t buy much in the way of souvenirs, he prefers to have a piece of the earth. When friends travel he requests a rock or stone. His friends thinks he’s a bit of a nut job, but they humor him.

” Perhaps the Almighty has provided us with a tool— a corporeal contrivance…”

Why rocks? It’s simple really, they remind GSG that he’s human and therefore has limited time available on this planet. The rocks were here long before him and will be here long after him, they’re a tangible reminder to use up his remaining heartbeats in a useful way. The rocks are a way of touching time, of caressing the past and the future, a past of which GSG was not a part and a future he will not share.

Can the Gods speak to use through a rocks?, probably not — if we declared they did we would either be locked up or they would make saints of us. Perhaps the Almighty has provided us with a tool— a corporeal contrivance — designed to help us ponder on how we’re spending the gift of life the Gods are alleged to have bestowed upon us.

Mountains give birth to boulders, boulders become rocks and rocks become sand with which we make silicone and in our wisdom we use that to fashion computer chips. The soul of the rock is still with us as we do the useless time consuming things we do with computers, because we have forgotten to how to touch time.

GSG ( God Seeker Guy)

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